Our product certification indicates that the product has passed performance tests and quality assurance tests, and meets qualification criteria stipulated in contracts, regulations, or specifications. It conforms to applicable safety, quality, or performance standards and can be used in advertising, sales literature, and user documentation as a marketing aid. In most markets, conformity to local requirements is mandatory before products can be sold.
By having our PC&I certification mark, it provides proof of compliance with specific national (MS) or international standards that boost customers’ confidence and market acceptance. As a product certification provider, we offer cost-effective independent assessment on the quality, safety and reliability of your products. We are recognized by SPAN, a Malaysian regulatory agency to provide independent assurance of water products under their purview, CIDB a Malaysian regulatory agency to provide independent assurance of civil and construction material & products, Energy Commission, the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission, the Fire and Rescue Department, DOSH and the Road Transport Department.If you are looking for bracelet. There’s something to suit every look, from body-hugging to structured, from cuffs to chain chain bracelet and cuffs.
Product Certification
Product certification is a comprehensive activity in both developed and developing countries and has a much longer history than management systems certification. It is also perhaps the most visible form of certification, as so many products carry the various marks of conformity issued by product certification bodies.
Some products, such as electrical appliances and telecommunications equipment, often carry multiple marks to satisfy regulators and consumers in different markets. For the general public and consumers this form of certification is perhaps the most recognized and understood. However, many consumers will not necessarily understand the purposes of individual product standards, and thus the significance of their certification. For example, some product standards might only address safety aspects, or only durability. Other standards might cover a combination of performance and safety characteristics
The purposes of a product standard may have other features, such as health and environmental impacts, compatibility,
The purposes of a product standard may have other features, such as safety & environmental impacts, compatibility, energy efficiency etc. Whichever purpose is intended to be covered by a standard, there are two fundamental objectives of such certification, namely:
- Assisting consumers and end-users to make better-informed decisions about products in the marketplace.
- Assisting suppliers of the products to achieve marketplace acceptance.
*Please scan QR code or click ( Accredited Organisation Directoriesv2 - JSM Portal ) for the current scope of accreditation
- In order to comply with accreditation requirement , PC&I QAS Service has taken an indemnity insurance to cover liabilities arising the operation of product certification activities . Details of the indemnity insurance are available at Legal Section of PC&I QAS Service.
- PC&I QAS Service activities are financed by revenue collected from the provision of product certification service and other service such as inspection service. The financial performances of the the service are monitored in terms of achievement of target , on a monthly , six monthly and yearly basis in PC&I QAS Service Management Committee and Departmental Meetings.
We encourage you to apply if you meet our eligibility criteria and other requirements.
Mutual Appointed by Domestic Manufacturer or Foreign Manufacturer
Company Who Authorized the Manufacturer to Produce Original Product
Manufacturer of Product who Manufacture outside of Malaysia
Manufacturer of Product who Manufacture within Malaysia
Foreign Manufacturer – Manufacturer of Product Who Manufacture Outside Of Malaysia
Domestic Manufacturer – Manufacturer of Product Who Manufacture Within Malaysia
OEM Supplier – Company Who Authorized the Manufacturer to Produce Original Product
Authorized Manufacturer – Manufacturer Who Had Been Authorized by Brand/Trademark Owner.