“Our product certification indicates that the product has passed performance tests and quality assurance tests, and meets qualification criteria stipulated in contracts, regulations, or specifications. It conforms to applicable safety, quality, or performance standards and can be used in advertising, sales literature, and user documentation as a marketing aid. In most markets, conformity to local requirements is mandatory before products can be sold.
By having our PC&I certification mark, it provides proof of compliance with specific national (MS) or international standards that boost customers’ confidence and market acceptance. As a product certification provider, we offer cost-effective independent assessment on the quality, safety and reliability of your products. We are recognized by SPAN, a Malaysian regulatory agency to provide independent assurance of water products under their purview and CIDB a Malaysian regulatory agency to provide independent assurance of civil and construction material & products.”Thanks to our partners, you can find ties online to suit every preference and budget, from budget to top-of-the-range super stylish models.
We have the adequate capability and highly qualified personnel to performed the following services.
Product Certification
Covering various product categories – Water, Automotive & Consumer, Civil, Structural & Architectural Material, Mechanical, Chemical, PPE and others
Inspection Services
Statutory Inspection Services, Verification and Endorsement Services focusing on industrial equipment and machinery and also, for other products to be placed in the open market
Apart from product certification and inspection services, we could also serve you the following services